Fair tip distribution in just a few clicks

The Tips module connects to your schedule manager and POS to automate tip sharing. It calculates distribution for you based on your policy, sales, and schedules, simplifying management help ensures fair tip sharing among employees.

Automate tip distribution

The Tips module automatically calculates distribution based on your agreements, sales, and schedules. Save time and eliminate the hassle of manual tip calculations.

Save on management time

By integrating tip management with your existing tools, the module significantly reduces the time spent tracking tips, allowing you to focus on other priorities.

Eliminate calculation errors

With automated and accurate calculations, avoid errors that could cause frustration among staff while ensuring reliable, rigorous management.

Ensure fair and transparent distribution

Respect individual contributions by distributing tips transparently and equitably. This module fosters trust and confidence among employees.

Guarantee compliance with your agreements

The Tips module adapts to your internal rules, ensuring compliance with your defined agreements and standards.